A new beginning
The calf seems finally recovered. I am aware more than ever that I need to start managing my physical body. Listening to how its doing and acting accordingly. My schedule is now to run 4 times a week, the length is not important at the moment. So I am doing 2-4 miles 4 times a week, and this has been working for the past 2 weeks.
Still can be foolish though
Last week, I was overtaken by a hispter runner.. he had all the gear… gloves, music, beard, shaved sides of his head, tattoos etc… he gave a dismissive scowl as he blasted past me. I let him go and after half a mile began to reel him in like fish, he came back and I slowly overtook him and then put my foot down. I can still hear him sobbing into his beard. I probably shouldn’t have done that given that my leg was in recovery, but it was too hard to resist!
Humbled by the big bum
This week I was overtaken by a woman with a big bum. In fact I saw her up about 50 yards ahead and thought, yeah I could catch that. I finally did and overtook her but after about 2 mins she flew past. Probably thought I was a hipster wannabe. Anyway lesson to learn is, big bums are not an indication of speed or endurance.
Incredibly wise advice on how to run
When asking my wise seasoned runner friend for advice he gave me this advice:
Fun facts about the marathon
- Emmanuel Mutai of Kenya holds the men’s course record of 2:04:40
- Nearly 200 of the marathon runners will be celebrating their birthday during the London marathon
- The hottest marathon day was in 2007 when temperatures peaked at 21.7°C.
- The coldest race day was a chilly 7.6°C in 1994
- 14 runners known as the Everpresents have completed every single London Marathon in the race’s 34 year history
I still need to raise a packet
For those of you who have saved money on black friday, cyber monday, or by clever Christmas shopping and are looking to give some to a worthwhile charity (but get get fed up of the chuggers in the high-street) then please consider helping me hit my targets so I can maintain my place. All donations gratefully received!
Have a great Christmas
Whomever you may be, have a great Christmas, I may take that particular day off from training to allow “tactical recovery” 😉