I recently attended the “Agile Requirements by Collaboration” presentation at Skills Matter lead by Ellen Gottesdiener from EBG Consulting. Here are some of the main points I got from it.
Ellen described how collaboration needs to happen on several different levels of granularity along the way requirements are viewed on agile projects – the product (which establishes the product or portfolio roadmap), the release and the iteration (or work in progress), Exploring these views can occur in several different facilitated workshops, from the roadmap workshop, to the release workshop to iteration workshops. The corresponding requirements that are clarified or driven out from these workshops also appear on different levels – boulder, rock and pebble.
The idea is that the pebbles form your user stories and are driven out at the level of the iteration workshop. Projects can encounter rock sized requirements at the iteration level and suffer a time delay as new pebble requirements are chipped off from them. This brings to question the level of “doneness” for a user story.
Agile planning involves a technique called rolling wave planning; this is a form of progressive requirements elaboration.
Why progressive requirements elaboration? Well – (as Ellen pointed out) have you ever run a project where you knew all of the requirements from the start, and that they didn’t change? No? Well this is where progressive requirements elaboration (and responding to change) helps.
Ellen went on to describe how to elicit value out of workshops by using the 6 P’s.
- Purpose (why are we having this meeting – short and concise, resonates with the stakeholders)
- Participants (key decision makers and involved people)
- Principles (guidelines for participation owned by the group but led by the facilitator)
- Products (outcomes of the workshop)
- Place (where you are having the meeting)
- Process (resulting in the agenda; one tip: how key stakeholder(s) kick-off the session and then return at the end with a show-and-tell summary)
A few of the other valuable one liners I got from that session included:
- everyone on the team needs to think like a product owner
- a stable team is key (done a few iterations, everyone knows each other’s strengths)
- Workshops should contain the 6Ps (see above)
- Problem space overlaps solution space, so you need to iterate and spike!
- Tamping down requirements (or Doneness of a user story (see pic above)).
- Cone of uncertainty, can be reduced by breaking it down into smaller cones. (see pic below)
- Don’t be afraid of using both left and right brained processes to solve problems (using physical props etc.)
- Collaboration is the engine of team value!
Afterwards we went to the pub and discussed Agiley things. Good fun and useful, in fact to quote a fellow Agileer “You don’t come away knowing less do you?”
All good, except for on the way home I chipped a tooth, but that’s a different story….
More resources:
Agile Requirements by Collaboration: Making Smart Choices about What and When to Build by Ellen Gottesdiener
Amplifying Collaboration with Guerilla Facilitation by Ellen Gottesdiener
Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs by Ellen Gottesdiener
Numerous article on Ellen’s company website in the categories of agile and facilitated workshops and requirements.
Ellen’s blog
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